209-804-8078 info@rdhapconnect.com

Happy 4th of July

Three American flag and wooden boards I woke up this morning with a prayer on my lips and in my heart. It is a little far afield from the typical RDHAP Connect blog posts, but no less heartfelt. I pray that on this day July 4, every inhabitant of these United States...

Make Some Noise

Oral healthcare providers must make some noise as we know what we do makes a difference. We see how a person’s smile will widen and their face brighten when their teeth and gums are clean and healthy. We also know we cannot perform these much-needed services if those...
Care Partnership Day

Care Partnership Day

Kathy Eldridge, RDHAP and Brenda Paquin, RDHAP educating and sharing. I was happy and sad at the same time. I hate it when that happens, but alas, it happens to everyone occasionally. On Saturday, October 20, the Care Partnership Day and Caregiver Pathways held a...