209-804-8078 info@rdhapconnect.com
Tips For Protecting Your Oral Health

Tips For Protecting Your Oral Health

We’ve put together some tips for protecting your oral health. These are simple things you can do in everyday life to keep the cavities and bad breath away! Cropped photo of young little girl happy positive smile point fingers teeth cavity stomatology isolated...

Preventive Dental Hygiene Care

Preventative dental hygiene care plays an important role in our overall health! Preventing something is much easier than fixing something, wouldn’t you say? I was just listening to a story on my local public radio station this morning. The show, Reveal, was...
Returning to Healthy Routines After COVID-19

Returning to Healthy Routines After COVID-19

Image via Pexels. Thank you to our guest author, Hazel Bridges. hazel.bridges@agingwellness.org. Self-care fell to the back burner during the COVID-19 pandemic as families scrambled to navigate shutdowns, school closures, and other disruptions to daily life. At RDHAP...