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Sweets, Kids and Holidays

Dec 19, 2019 | Children, Oral Health, Oral Hygiene



The Holidays are here. Sweets abound. We know you want to give your kids, grand kids, nieces, and nephews everything they deserve. They don’t, however, deserve cavities.

  • Stuff stockings with toothbrushes, floss aids, and cute water bottles.
  • Put a waterpik Water Flosser under the tree.
  • Consider a power toothbrush – Oral BSonicareQuip as a gift for the kids

We can’t stop kids from eating sweets. but we can encourage them to:

  • Drink water
  • Swish spit (or swallow) after consuming sweets
  • Snack on healthy foods – nuts, veges, fruit, white cheese
  • Have sugar-free gum on hand for after snack times when brushing and flossing is not possible

Tips on having handy healthy snacks available may include:

  • Preparing celery sticks, carrot sticks, fruit into pieces and having them in small bags in the refrigerator where the kids can easily gram them.
  • Buying nuts in bulk and putting them in small containers for kids to grab on the go
  • Cutting white cheese (known to protect teeth from tooth decay) into small squares and placing in a container or bag for kids to grab.

Health teeth. Health body. Healthy Holiday Season.

You can also click here to read a Centers for Disease Control article about children’s oral health.