209-804-8078 info@rdhapconnect.com

Care Partnership Day

Oct 21, 2018 | Community, Oral Health



Kathy Eldridge, RDHAP and Brenda Paquin, RDHAP educating and sharing.

I was happy and sad at the same time. I hate it when that happens, but alas, it happens to everyone occasionally. On Saturday, October 20, the Care Partnership Day and Caregiver Pathways held a caregiver fair in Sacramento. I really wanted RDHAP Connect to be there. It is important, and fun to expose our services to the many people who are not aware we exist. Unfortunately for me, my nephew was marrying his beautiful fiancée the same weekend. Though I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of my nephew’s important day, I was sad to miss the health fair.

Fortunately for me,  two of my RDHAP colleagues were happy to represent RDHAPs and RDHAP Connect at the Care Partnership Day. Kathryn Eldridge and Brenda Paquin, both local practitioners, took toothbrushes, flyers, oral health information, and spread the message of the importance of good oral health for the elderly and all needing oral health care.